Tips for reducing tail-biting in pigs

Tips for reducing tail-biting in pigs

In field trials, AllBite blocks contributed to a 93% success rate in reducing or stopping tail-biting. The key is early identification and implementation of AllBite into pens where tail-biting is occurring.

Aggressive behaviour in pigs — whether it is tail-, flank-, ear- or vulva-biting — is a frustrating management problem, leading to costly losses.  Incidents of tail-biting, in particular, are among the top behavioural problems in grow-finish pigs that can lead to economic looses due to reductions in gain, secondary infections, death or carcass condemnations.


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Many of the most famous breeds of beef cattle that are used globally originate in France. The three favorite French races are: Charolais, known for its high growth performance; the Limousine, known for its creative capabilities; and the Blonde d'Aquitaine, recognized for its ability to produce a high percentage of meat.

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