THE GUARDIAN: Farmers must stop antibiotics use in animals due to human health risk, warns WHO

Empty antibiotic and hormone bottles in a bin on a pig farm in Germany. Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo

Farmers must be prevented from using powerful antibiotics on animals reared for food, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned, because of the serious risks to human health that result.

Egging on a healthy habit

A new study indicates that two DHA-enriched eggs per day could significantly improve your brain power.

We know more than ever about the power of preventative medicine. But busy lifestyles can present all sorts of obstacles to actually practicing “wellness.”

Getting enough exercise is one issue, but making sure we keep our bodies fed with essential nutrients can also fall victim to time pressures and convenience.

Functional foods, such as enriched eggs, can fill the gap, delivering essential nutrients in delicious forms that most of us already enjoy. 

Don't let Salmonella come home to roost

The risk for Salmonella can be reduced on the poultry farm by addressing the main sources of bad bacteria.

According  to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every year in the United States, Salmonella is estimated to cause 1 million foodborne illnesses, with 19,000 hospitalizations and over 300 deaths. The most common symptoms of a Salmonella infection are diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps.

Designing poultry diets for digestion

Even the best feed may be insufficient for poultry health and nutrition if not properly digested in the layer gut.

To improve the overall health of birds, attention needs to be placed on the whole production system. Healthy animals are much more likely to perform at their potential and produce more efficiently.

The gastrointestinal tract of layers is an ecosystem in which water, pH and bacteria need to be in balance. Setting the stage for this balance soon after hatch and maintaining it throughout the life of the animal is the key to maximizing performance and farm profitability.

Digestion in an increasingly plant-based diet

Danger!: 500+ mycotoxins putting your pigs at risk

Produced by molds, mycotoxins affect animal performance and producer profitability in many ways. Why are they such a significant risk to your herd?

Produced by molds, mycotoxins affect animal performance and producer profitability in many ways. Why are they such a significant risk to your herd?


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