Product: BIO-MOS®
BIO-MOS is designed to feed the gastrointestinal tract, and is the original natural solution to intestinal health issues. It promotes good bacteria and builds natural defenses, thereby maximizing performance and profitability.
A unique product derived from a selected strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
yeast using a proprietary process developed by Alltech, Bio-Mos is incorporated in animal diets to support gut integrity and overall animal performance. Bio-Mos is included in the diets of food-producing animals and is effective during all phases of growth.
The ARC quality control system is exclusive to Bio-Mos and is based on true biological
activity, guaranteeing consistency with every batch. Bio-Mos is the only product to
maintain gastointestinal health and integrity with a market presence of over 19 years and is supported by over 734 trials and 114 peer-reviews publications.
Supports efficient nutrient transfer from mother animals to young
Stable (heat, pelleting)
Promotes good bacteria and builds natural defenses
Used in poultry, swine, dairy, beef , aquaculture, equine, rabbit and pet.
- Reinforces natural defense through:
- Efficient nutrient transfer from cow to calf
Effective in milk replacer and starter feeds
Natural milk, cheese and dairy product marketability
Suggested rate for dairy cattle: Milk Replacer: 2-4g/head/day, Calf Starter: 4lbs/ton
Economic returns
Viable in natural beef programs
Natural meat marketability
Colostrum quality
New calf performance
Suggested Feeding Rate for Beef attle: Calf Starter: 4lbs/ton
Bird performance and chick quality
Utilizations of protein
Digestibility of several amino acids
Diversity of beneficial bacteria in the gut
Broilers get more from the same feed
Suggested Feeding Rates:
Layers: 1-2 lbs/ton
Broilers: 1-4 lbs/ton
Pig performance
Economic advantage
Natural meat marketability
Suggested rate for pigs:
Sows: 2lbs/ton
Gestation: 4lbs/ton
Starter: 4-6lbs/ton
Grower: 2lbs/ton
Finisher: 1lb/ton
Benefits shrimp, fish, lobster and other aquatic animals
Nutrient utilization
Natural seafood marketability